
Frank Obringer





"Making Your Real Estate Goals My Priority"

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Millions of people are finding out their home is worth more than they think, and it might be the case with yours as well. Find out with the CB Estimate®.

Exclusive Look

This marketing platform allows me to view listings within the Coldwell Banker® network in three ways: CB Exclusives, Sneak Peeks and Wants & Needs.


CB Exclusives

Enables me to explore listings within our brokerage for a specific period of time, before they even hit the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) or are marketed to anyone outside of my brokerage's agents and our clients.


Sneak Peeks

Allows me to view Sneak Peek listings from participating Coldwell Banker agents across the country for one business day before the listings are submitted to the MLS and publicly marketed, allowing advance notice from a powerful network of agents who are actively posting new listings.


Wants & Needs

Allows me to promote your wants and needs via a daily or weekly digest within our national network of participating agents across the country, bringing more potential matches to your attention quickly.

make your next move the right move

Wherever your dreams take you, use the Move Meter® to help you get there. Compare locations based on living affordability, average home prices and other important factors. Try it out with whatever city you dream of moving to.

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